

Overview of Collaborative Projects

Collaborative Projects

The Intestinal Stem Cell Consortium (ISCC) members have made it their mission to advance the understanding of intestinal epithelial stem cell biology during development, homeostasis, regeneration and disease. Although each laboratory has come to the ISCC with their own strengths, agendas, and expertise, members have found that collaboration among the laboratories on special projects, allows all to reach their goals quickly and completely. The following are the current collaborative projects of the ISCC. Each project allows participants in the specific project to post updates to their current lab progress and allows all ISCC members to post comments on a particular project or post. This tool has been made available to the ISCC members as a working chart to track the progress and completeness of each of the collaborative projects. 

To get more instructions on posting or commenting for any of the consortium collaborative projects, click here.

Collaborators: Noah Shroyer, PhD, Mary Estes,PhD, Jason Spence, PhD, Calvin Kuo, MD, PhD, James Wells, PhD. Click here to go to collaboration page.

Transcriptional and Epigenomic Features of Experimental ISC Models
Ramesh Shivdasani, MD, PhD - Submitting Investigator

Collaborator: Michael Verzi, PhD. Click here to go to collaboration page.